Clubmatic Glossary
- Automatic Placement
- The Clubmatic system automatically assigns students to classes as they register.
- Click & Pledge
- The Click & Pledge online donation processing service.
- Google Checkout
- The Google Checkout online payment processing service.
- Manual Placement
- The Clubmatic system automatically places all students on waitlists.
The Registrar must manually enroll students.
- Member
- The person registering with the organization, school, or club.
Also referred to as "student," "user," or "participating parent."
Every member creates a Clubmatic account, and uses
that account for accessing the web site.
- PayPal
- The PayPal® online payment processing service.
- Preferred Placement
- The Clubmatic system automatically assigns "preferred" students to classes as they
register, while others are waitlisted. (See below.)
- President
- The person(s) holding the
role for the organization. Also called Executive Director.
This is a required Clubmatic role.
- Quarter
- The duration of a school class. Also called a session, or semester.
- Membership Coordinator
- The person(s) holding the
Membership Coordinator
role for the organization. Also called Registrar.
This is a required Clubmatic role.
- Role
- A person in the Clubmatic system with special responsibilities or permissions.
Clubmatic administrative tasks are delegated to various roles.
- Secretary
- The person(s) holding the
role for the organization. This is a required Clubmatic role.
The Secretary is the default moderator for all groups.
- Treasurer
- The person(s) holding the
role for the organization. This is a required Clubmatic role.
- Vice-President
- The person(s) holding the
role for the organization. Also called Assistant Director.
This is a required Clubmatic role.
- Website Coordinator
- The person(s) holding the
Website Coordinator
role for the organization. Also called Webmaster.
This is a required Clubmatic role.