Clubmatic Site Customization

This document describes the layout of a typical Clubmatic customer site, and describes the tools and techniques for tailoring the generic site style and content to suit individual customer needs.

This document was last changed on July 16, 2008. The latest version of this document may be found online at

Please contact if you have questions about this document.

1. Site Layout

There are two content areas on a customer website: the dynamic area, and the static area. Clubmatic manages the dynamic area, which is all site links starting at /scripts, e.g.

The customer is responsible for managing all content in the static area, which is all other site links, e.g.

However, Clubmatic reserves certain links in the static area for special content:

  • Clubmatic uses the /views folder to store customer changes to the dynamic pages (see Dynamic Content below).
  • The public download folder is /downloads. This link will present a list of files available for download. This area is intended for publicly available documents, such as a PDF application form or club bylaws.
  • Group-specific content starts with /groups. The customer may place static data inside the /groups folder, which will be accessible by any member who can log in. This is intended as a place for general club information applicable to all groups, for example email posting policies.
  • Clubmatic will automatically create a folder under /groups for each group. For example, the general members group is /groups/members. [For more information about groups, see]
  • Each group has a downloads folder, located at /groups/name/downloads.
  • Each group also has an email archive folder, located at /groups/name/email.

To summarize, here is a list of folders / links in the static area that Clubmatic reserves:


2. Static Content

Aside from the reserved folders / links listed above, the customer can put anything at all in the static area. Specifically, customers can create and store any kind of static web content such as HTML pages, JPEG or GIF images, Cascading Style Sheets, client-side scripting such as JavaScript.

Clubmatic also supports Apache Server Side Includes for .html and .shtml files. Clubmatic does not allow executable content (i.e. CGI programs) to be included. [For more information about Server Side Includes, see]

Clubmatic provides FTP access for uploading static content. Customers can use standard web content creation tools like DreamWeaver, FrontPage, or iWeb to create static pages. [Please contact for more information about how to upload files.]

3. Dynamic Content

The dynamic portion of the site is managed by Clubmatic. Customers can change the style and layout of many dynamic pages by changing the template files used to display those pages. For example, the customer might want to change the standard login page ( to include a include a link to the registration page.

These templates are standard HTML files except they have special placeholders where Clubmatic inserts dynamic content. The place-holder tags are either HTML comments of the form:

<!-- BEGIN block -->
<!-- END block -->

or text inside curly braces:


All placeholders should be left as-is. Everything outside these items is content the customer can change. [Please contact if you think you need to change the placeholder tags.]

In addition, each script page automatically includes the file /views/header.html at the top of the page, and the file /views/footer.html at the bottom of the page. The customer can place whatever they like inside these files. They are intended to provide the customer with a way to make Clubmatic dynamic pages match the customer's static pages in style and layout. For example, the customer could include a standard navigation bar at the top of every page.

The template files in the /views folder are named to match the dynamic page they provide. For example, the dynamic page /scripts/login.php uses the template file /views/login.html. To change the content, layout or style of a dynamic page, you should edit the corresponding template file in the /views folder. [Please contact if a dynamic page you wish to customize does not appear in your /views folder.]

For example, here are pieces that might be used to create a /scripts/login.php page:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css">
<p>The section of the site you have requested is password protected.
Please provide your Member ID (the email address with which you registered)
and password to continue.</p>
<!-- BEGIN errors --><div class="errortext">{errors}</div><!-- END errors -->
<p><form method="{form_method}" action="{form_action}">
<input type="hidden" name="form_name" value="{form_name}">
<table class="form">
<tr><td class="label">Email Address:</td><td colspan="2">{email}</td></tr>
<tr><td class="label">Password:</td><td colspan="2">{password}</td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td colspan="2">{remember} Remember me</td></tr>
<td class="button"><input type="submit" name="login" value="Login"></td>
<td class="button"><input type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" onClick="history.back()"></td></tr>
<p align="center" style="font-size: small">Copyright &copy; {year}
by <a href="{home}">{club}</a> All rights reserved.</p>

The code above would produce a form like this:

Member Login

The section of the site you have requested is password protected. Please provide your Member ID (the email address with which you registered) and password to continue.

Email Address:
Remember me
Copyright © 2006 by Clubmatic, Inc. All rights reserved.

3. Email Templates

Clubmatic uses templates when composing emails sent to members and administrators. The email templates use the same placeholders as described above for HTML templates. Below is a list of email templates and an explanation of when and to whom they are sent.

Some emails are only useful for certain customers:

  • club - a club with annual membership and individual members
  • school - a school with classes and children students
  • nonprofit - an organization with annual membership and individual or corporate members
Sent to a member when the delegate approves/rejects an alternate for an organization. [nonprofit]
Sent to a member when a membership is approved. [club or nonprofit]
Sent to the Membership role when a member requests a class add/drop/transfer. [school]
Not currently used.
Sent to a member from the renewal invitation page (/scripts/membership/invite.php) This page shows only the people who have not yet renewed during the renewal period. [club or nonprofit]
Sent to the group moderator when an email posting requires approval.
Sent to a member when the moderator rejects an email posting.
Sent to the organization delegate when a member requests to be added as an alternate. [nonprofit]
Sent to a member confirming a password change.
Sent to group members when a poll opens/closes.
Not currently used.
Sent to a member after completing the registration form. [school]
Sent to a member when their membership has been approved. [school]
Sent to all enrolled or waitlisted members when the quarter is changed from Automatic to Manual placement mode, or sent manually by the Registrar after placing a member in a class. [school]
Sent to the organization delegate when a member requests to be added as an alternate. [nonprofit]
Sent to a member when they request a password reset from the login page. Contains a private, single-use, time-limited link which can be used to reset a forgotten password.

Last updatd Thursday, 22-Apr-2010 06:01:04 UTC